I am now 18! It's rather strange to think that I'm old enough to legally get married now. And get a tattoo. And join the Army. But I'm not going to do any of those things. Know why? Because I'd much rather stay at home sewing something on my new sewing machine!
Isn't she beautiful? |
It's a Viking Emerald 116. A pretty basic machine, but it has everything I need to sew all sorts of amazing things. One if the coolest things about it is that it has not only an automatic button-hole setting but also a needle threader! No more poking and prodding at a tiny little needle with an even smaller hole in it. :) I haven't tried the automatic button-holer yet, but I'm thinking it'll be pretty neat. The main thing I don't like about making buttonholes is trying to get them all the same length so the button isn't too loose, or worse, too tight. That and trying to keep the long edges straight.
After a few sample runs to try out the different settings, I sewed a few seams on my corset. She certainly has a different sound than Mom's machine. Not a bad sound though. Here's what's new with my corset:
After I had to take out two of the pieces in each side because I'd sewn them in upside down (sigh), I sewed them back together with a 3/8" (I think, it was just to the edge of the foot) seam allowance because I didn't want to mess with the edges where I had cut them because of the flat felling. So now it's too big. I think. I've never made one before, so it's all trial and error. The mock-up I made fit fine, now just to get this fitting. I don't really know how big/small it should be, having never tried one on in real life. All I know comes from the internet. (Which actually kinda cool, if you think about it. If I had been born 30 years earlier, I wouldn't know a thing about sewing corsets! Or want to make one, probably, based on the common mis-conception about everyone being tight lacers. I love telling people that I'm making a corset, just to see their faces. :) )
The black is the non-fitted side, the blue is fitted, showing how much I've taken in. |
Once my fitting helper (a.k.a. the ever helpful Mom) gets back, I'm going to try it again. Fitting is one time when I could use a clone! One of me to fit onto and one to be behind myself to see how it fits! And maybe one in front to help hold it. :)
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In other news, our chicks are getting bigger! They've all started getting wing, tail, and body feathers in. The two Buffs are a bit behind the others, in terms of feather growth. They all are getting to the point where you have to hold them in two hands, simply because of their size. They're growing up! I feel like a proud mother telling about her kids. :) They like to flap around the box we're keeping them in. None of them have flown to the top of the feeder yet, but I'm guessing it won't be long! The box sides are a good yard or so tall, so we don't have to worry about them getting out.
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I'm going to post a picture of my moccasins. I know I said I wasn't going to post a picture until I got the beading on both done, but I have it done on one and now I'm not sure I like it. First off, here's what they look like:
Sorry for the poor-quality picture. Mirrors aren't good photo-takers. |
They're maybe not the most flattering, but are they ever comfy! I like that you can sit on them (I sit on my feet a lot) without a big hard sole digging in.
So...do they look better with the red beading or without? Please leave a comment. I can't decide.
I do like the blue beading and it's going to stay whatever I decide on the red.
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Anyhow, I had a nice birthday. A roller-rink near us has a homeschoolers only Friday once a month which happened to fall on my birthday. We got done with school a bit early, all ready to go, but then we learned that it was closed due to flooding from all the rain we've had recently. So instead we went to the Michigan Historical Museum, which was more fun anyways. :)
One of my favorite things they had on display was a bloomer dress. It was interesting to see one in person as opposed to pictures on the internet. It fastened with hooks and eyes, which kind of surprised me. Were I making it, I would have used buttons. I think they would stay better if you were vigorous. I wish they had had more information on it. They didn't even tell what year it was from! Ah well. I wish I had remembered to bring my camera.
They also had some of Laura Ingalls Wilder's original notebooks! She wrote down her story in them, then Rose, her daughter made them into books. Her handwriting was lovely. I also enjoyed seeing some Civil War era letters and diaries. The handwriting in them was beautiful as well. The only way I can think to describe it is 'spidery.' It's very fine and delicate.
Old, new, and our messy sewing table... |
On the drive down we encountered water going across the road. After watching two smaller cars drive through, we decided to go for it as well. We made it just fine and there were no other incidents on the way there. We took a different route on the way back to avoid it but ended up driving through water once more and turning around because it looked too deep and/or fast three more times. I suppose it's better than a dry year like last.
Let me know what you think on the beading!